Has Hip-Hop Gone Too Far?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHip Hop has come a long way from its Run DMC, LL Cool J I need Love days. The art of storytelling  has been replaced with the repetition of n*gga this and B*tch that over a catchy beat. Substance can no longer be found in mainstream Hip Hop.  The constant disrespect of women is something that seems to have become the norm . It gets worse with each hook. When rappers such as Rick Ross are spittin’ lyrics like:

” “Put molly all in her champagne, she ain’t even know it/ I took her home and I enjoyed that, she ain’t even know it.”

I think we can all agree the disrespect has gone too far. Yes, music is art. It is meant to be used as expression and sometimes art can be controversial. However, when you are blatantly rapping about topics such as “rape”, the line of being artistic and just straight ignorant have definitely been crossed. Even the constant use of the B-word is used  casually in any given rap song. Whatever happened to the “Who you calling a B*tch?, U.N.I.T.Y.”  women?  Obviously the times has changed. It isn’t just a “hip hop problem” , its a community problem.  The black community should start to pay more attention to the direction we are headed. Pretty soon we will be right back  in “black face” .  After all, history does repeat itself.Bert_Williams_blackface_2

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