5 days to Success: Day 3 Balance

Balance-   To bring into or maintain in a state of equilibrium; mental and emotional steadiness. 


Once you’ve created a consistent routine, the next thing to do would be to find balance. Working towards a goal can become overwhelming, especially if it is a goal that takes time. You have to be able to  focus  on your goal while still dealing with the everyday trials of life.  For most people this is where maintaining balance would benefit them most. Stability will always be an important factor in whatever you do. A few ways to establish balance would be to :

Take A Break. Sometimes a mental and physical break is needed. Its cool to want to work hard at being successful , but you don’t want to go into overload.  Don’t overwork yourself. You want to be able to fully enjoy your success once you receive it. Have some fun!  Balance work, rest, and play.

Routine. Having a routine (or structure) is very important . Create a schedule and let that be your guide.

Be Organized.  Your surroundings can and will affect the way you feel. Make sure to maintain some type of organization when you’re working and just in life in general.

Meditation. Whether you’re a spiritual person or not, taking the time to just breathe will be very beneficial. Just a quiet moment to regroup and gather your thoughts is always needed. healthy-balance-1024x681

5 Days To Success: Day Two Consistency

Consistency- the condition of cohering or holding together and retaining form. Conformity with previous attitudes, behavior  practice, etc.

120822_consistency-is-key_500_youanew1Once you have created structure and built a foundation, you would then need to find consistency.  Once you figure out a routine to help you reach a particular goal, stick to it.  Consistency can be a hard thing,  because things do change. However, it is what you do with that change that will ultimately determine how and when you reach your success. You will come across obstacles that may deter you from your main focus but its up to you to make sure you get back on track. Success doesn’t come easy.  Failure is needed a few times in order to better prepare you for the success to come.  Allowing consistency into your life is guaranteed to help things run smoothly.  So, be consistent in your journey.

1. Decide whats most important to you. 

2. Incorporate it into your daily routine.

3. Create the habit of being consistent.

And its okay if you fall a few times, what matters is that you get back up. Remember success is what you’re after, so grab it by its coat tails. success1

5 Days To Success: Day One Structure

Structure : Anything composed of parts arranged together in some way.  To Construct or arrange according to a plan; give a pattern or organization to.

structure-04In order to pave the road to success, maintaining structure should be one of your main goals.  Anything you wish to accomplish in life will need some time of structure or organization. Most people suck at being organized and having things in order all the time, and that is okay we are all human.  All you need to do is find some type of structure that fits you. Suppose one of your goals is to find a new job.  You could create a schedule that will allow you to do a job search a couple hours every day. Sending your resume off to new companies daily will definitely put the odds in your favor of finding a new job. By creating this routine you have just set up a type of structure. You have  created a foundation that will help you reach your set goal. A check list can do wonders as well. Making a “To Do” list can be very beneficial in getting things accomplished. It feels good to be able to check off a task once it is completed. Having a calender or some type of planner can also help you with organization.  Structure is something that will play a vital role in your success, so get to know it.