[Hairstyle] of the Day

300206_10151415071243558_404622991_nGray is a beautiful color. As a person gets older , gray hair is a sign of experience and wisdom. This is such a powerful hairstyle. The locs just makes it even more beautiful. Are you sporting your natural gray? Send us a pic! WordsBySonatural@gmail.com 

[Hairstyle] of the Day

2013-Natural-Hairstyles-For-African-American-Women-12This  is a great natural hairstyle that is simple and embraces natural hair texture. You can just moisturize , pin it up, and go. There is also room to play around with it and put your own twist on it.  If this is a hairstyle you have tried or would like to try, show us! Send a pic to wordsbysonatural@gmail.com