[Hairstyle] of the Day

300206_10151415071243558_404622991_nGray is a beautiful color. As a person gets older , gray hair is a sign of experience and wisdom. This is such a powerful hairstyle. The locs just makes it even more beautiful. Are you sporting your natural gray? Send us a pic! WordsBySonatural@gmail.com 

[Hairstyle] of the Day

two-strand-natural-1The two strand natural twists is a great hairstyle to bring in spring with and it can last up to 4 weeks. It’s a simple hairstyle you can do yourself. All you will need is some styling gel and a comb! Be sure to send us pics if you choose to experiement with this hairstyle of the day. wordsbysonatural@gmail.com

(photo courtesy of thirstyroots.com )

[Product of The Week] : African Healing Oyl

The product of the week is the African Healing Oyl. What’s great about it, is the fact that it has multiple uses. It can be used on the hair and the body, so basically you’re able to get two uses out of one product. What more could you ask for?

The African Healing Oyl eliminates dryness and adds shine. It also moisturizes and softens the hair. This product would be great for anyone who may have colored their hair and is experiencing that “dryness” we all hate.

It consists of all natural ingredients and can be purchased at your local beauty supply store for about $8. It is definitely a good investment for anyone seeking to give their hair or skin a little more radiance.